Security Service

The Security and Protection Department is a structural unit of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University that coordinates work related to:

  • Protecting schools of the university from unauthorized access by outsiders and individuals without passes;
  • Safeguarding the university’s material assets;
  • Ensuring access control at university facilities, including the admission of university staff, students, visitors, and vehicles with authorized passes;
  • Ensuring safety and the uninterrupted functioning of the university’s structures and divisions;
  • Implementing measures to enhance the security of university facilities;
  • Protecting university facilities and staff in case of emergencies or actions that may disrupt the university’s operations;
  • Preventing accidents, vandalism, theft, natural disasters, public disturbances, and other criminal activities that may threaten university facilities;
  • Participating in the organization and execution of evacuation procedures during emergencies at university facilities.

Management Structure

The department consists of the following structural units:

  • Security Division
  • Technical Security and Protection Division
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