Education and Research Institute "Karazin Institute of International Relations and Travel Business"


The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business offers Bachelor’s degree programs in the following majors:

292 — International Economic Relations, academic programs "International Economic Relations", "International Logistics and Customs", "International Business", "International Finance", "International E-Commerce";

291 — International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, academic programs "International Relations and Regional Studies", "International Information and International Communications", "International Relations";

242 — Tourism, academic program “Tourism”;

241 — Hotel and Restaurant Business, academic program "Hotel and Restaurant Business".

Based on a Bachelor's degree, Master’s programs (duration of study — 1 year 4 months) are offered in the following majors:

292 — International Economic Relations, academic programs "International Economic Relations", "International Business", "International and European Economic Integration";

291 — International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, academic programs "International Communications", "International Information Safety", "International Relations and Regional Studies: Oriental Studies”; "International Relations and Regional Studies: European Studies”;

242 — Tourism, academic program “Tourism”;

241 — Hotel and Restaurant Business, academic program "Hotel and Restaurant Business".

Students are enrolled in a Master's degree program based on the results of a competition, which takes into account the results of entrance examinations, academic performance for the previous 4 years, and a student's research activity.

The School provides both state-funded and fee-paying training. There is an opportunity to obtain a parallel or a second Bachelor’s degree on a fee-paying basis.

Today, the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business teaches about 1,300 full-time and part-time students, including foreign citizens. The School’s faculty members undergo internships at top institutions of higher education in Ukraine and other countries, which ensures a high quality training of students. The process of teaching the School’s students involves leading faculty members of the School of Economics, School of Law, School of Sociology, School of Foreign Languages, and other Schools of the University; top specialists of the Regional State Administration, institutions and enterprises of Kharkiv. The instructors use modern teaching methods.


The University launched research and teaching activity in the field of International Economic Relations in 1995, for which purpose the Department of International Economic Relations was established at the School of Economics. In 2005, the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business was founded.

The instruction, research, methodological and organizational activity of the School are provided by about 150 highly qualified faculty members – professors, associate professors, senior instructors. Now the School consists of five departments: Artur Holikov Department of International Economic Relations; Department of Travel Business and Country Studies; Department of International Relations; Department of International Information and Security; Department of International Business and Economic Theory; Department of International E-Commerce and Hotel and Restaurant Business.


The School maintains scientific and educational relations with many institutions of higher education in Ukraine and other countries, including: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, University of Poznan, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, T. H. Shevchenko Chernihiv State Pedagogical University, and others.

The Student Research Society actively works at the School. The School’s students have the opportunity to engage in research, take an active part in scientific conferences, and publish their research papers. They are also prize-winners of contests of student research papers and professional olympiads.

The School offers a postgraduate program in 292 — International Economic Relations.

In 2010, in order to strengthen the training of highly qualified specialists, the School established the Thesis Committee K 64.051.25, with the right to accept for consideration and hold defense of PhD dissertations in Economics, major 08.00.02 — World Economy and International Economic Relations.

Professional Publications

The School publishes the Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Series “International Relations, Economics, Country Studies, Tourism”). It contains original problematic articles that have not been published before, on the theory, history, and current issues of international relations, world economy and international economic relations, international law, country studies, and tourism in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. The Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “International Relations, Economics, Country Studies, Tourism” is registered as a scientific professional publication in economics.


An important role in the professional training of undergraduate and graduate students belongs to professionally-oriented disciplines and practical training.

Educational Activities

In 2008, a new tradition was introduced at the School – to celebrate World Tourism Day. During the celebration at the Sokolnyky Sports Complex, first-year students are initiated into tourist students and given certificates of tourists.

The School also has a tradition of celebrating UN Day with a ceremony of initiation of students majoring in “International Economic Relations” and “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies” to International Relations Students. Freshmen’s "Time Capsule" is laid during the celebration.

The School’s students take part in the work of summer school-seminars abroad, research conferences; receive grants for internships in foreign educational institutions. They can also choose to undergo practical training in tourist companies abroad.

The School’s graduates work at enterprises and organizations engaged in foreign economic operations, travel agencies, trade missions abroad, customs, public administration departments, tax agencies, the office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, diplomatic and consular services, etc.

Acting Director

Tetiana Myroshnychenko
Ph.D. in Economics
Address: office 373, Svobody Square, 6, Kharkiv, 61022

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