School of Chemistry



Today, the School of Chemistry is highly qualified academic staff, advanced achievements in science, wide use of scientific achievements in the educational process, well-equipped laboratories and classrooms, cooperation with research institutes of Ukraine, Europe, the USA, Japan! At our School, you will receive a world-class quality education and master the profession of the 21st century – the profession of chemist!


Chemistry has been taught at the University since the first years of its existence. In 1864, on the initiative of the prominent chemist M. M. Beketov, the School of Physics and Mathematics of the Kharkiv Imperial University was divided into three sections (Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Physics and Chemistry). The first physical chemistry course was taught at Kharkiv University in 1865, 20 years earlier than at universities of Western Europe and the United States. In 1894, on the basis of the Department of Chemistry, a chemistry section of the School of Physics and Mathematics was created. It consisted of organic, analytical, and inorganic chemistry divisions. Since 1933, the Research Institute of Chemistry has worked at the School.

Today, the School consists of 6 departments: Department of Physical Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemical Metrology, Department of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemical Materials Science, Department of Applied Chemistry, which employ 14 full professors and 33 associate professors, train over 400 students. The School offers full-time and part-time state-funded and fee-based programs. The School provides all the conditions necessary for student research. It has the Student Research Society, annually holds scientific conferences. Students of the School participate in scientific conferences in different cities of Ukraine and abroad.


The School of Chemistry offers a Bachelor’s degree program in Chemistry, as well as Specialist and Master’s programs in Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metrology, Materials Design and Chemical Informatics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Functional Materials and Chemical Control of the Environment, Physical Chemistry of Solutions and Nanodispersed Systems, Computer Chemistry and Molecular Design.

Students awarded a Master’s or a Specialist degree with honors can pursue a postgraduate degree in Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry.

Employment of Graduates

The School of Chemistry graduates successfully work within their specialty in the bodies of state certification and examination, environmental and customs control, at chemical enterprises and private firms, continue their scientific activity in research laboratories and institutes, teach chemistry at higher and secondary education institutions, pursue postgraduate studies at universities of Ukraine, Europe, and the United States.


Олег Миколайович Калугін

Oleh Kaluhin
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor

Address: room 1-75, 4 Svobody Sq, 61022, Kharkiv

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