University Media Studio

Subdivision contacts:

Contact Information:
61022, Kharkiv, Svobody Square 6, Room 401
+38 (093) 493-46-03

The Educational and Production University Media Studio is a structural division of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Its activities are aimed at creating a technological base for training highly professional specialists equipped with the latest knowledge in the field of social communications and new media. The University Media Studio works closely with the university's academic departments, where undergraduate and graduate programs are offered in the following specializations:

  • 061 "Journalism" (educational and professional programs: "Journalism," "Media Communications and Public Relations," "Media Communications")
  • 054 "Sociology" (educational and professional program: "Social Communications, Advertising, and PR")

The Media Studio provides opportunities for students from all university majors to implement creative ideas and create projects in the media field. In light of recent events related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance and relevance of online education have significantly increased. Karazin's Media Studio has experience in developing and delivering online courses, conducting webinars, lectures, and other online events.

The practical goal of the University Media Studio is to create and develop university media projects for various audiences and target groups, involving student media groups and university departments. This will help establish a strong information and communication space for the university's brand among a wide audience in Ukraine and beyond.

The main tasks of the Educational and Production University Media Studio include:

  • Creating educational and production opportunities for training specialists in the field of mass communications and media (developing skills in the full cycle of video and audio production);
  • Providing informational support for the overall strategy and tactics of building a communicatively effective university brand and ensuring its presence in the established media space;
  • Creating media content to attract applicants to the university and promote the university in the academic community;
  • Ensuring effective and long-term communication between the university and target public groups using various audiovisual materials, creating university image media projects;
  • Developing video content to promote the university, strengthen its image, and support and develop the university's brand;
  • Providing media content for the university's advertising campaigns;
  • Creating content for the university's video channel, utilizing the capabilities of video hosting platforms and social media;
  • Conducting webinars, lectures, and other events online;
  • Developing and delivering online courses;
  • Creating and developing the university's internet radio.

Find us on social media: Facebook, Instagram.

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