Educational Center for Practical Training and Employment

Subdivision contacts:

room 563, 6 Svobody Sq, 61022, Kharkiv

+38 (057) 707-50-99


The Educational Center for Practical Training and Employment is a structural subdivision of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and part of the Education Quality Assurance Department.

Main tasks: to plan, provide methodological support and control of organization and implementation of practical training for undergraduate and graduate students; to create conditions for exercising the rights of students and graduates to work; to analyse the labor market of specialists trained by the University.

The main activities of the Center are:

  • establishing cooperation with enterprises, institutions, and organizations, public or private, which can be places for practical training and employment of graduates and students;
  • ensuring coordination with central and local executive bodies, employment services and enterprises, institutions and organizations (employers) on meeting real demands of the labor market and educational services market;
  • informing graduates and students of the University, dean’s offices about job vacancies in their field of study (specialty) at enterprises, institutions, and organizations;
  • monitoring graduates’ employment at their place of residence together with the State Employment Service;
  • supporting the rights, interests, and needs of the University students and graduates in employment in their degree field;
  • assisting in employment of the University students and graduates, their adaptation to changing demands for specialists in the labor market;
  • engaging student youth in entrepreneurial activity, creating appropriate conditions for functioning and effective development of youth entrepreneurship;
  • helping temporary employment of students in their non-study time, supporting the development of youth initiatives in labor and social spheres;
  • creating a feedback system between enterprises, institutions, and organizations (employers) and the University for objective assessment of the quality of specialist training;
  • organizing the University's participation in preparing and implementing regional employment programs;
  • studying and disseminating the best national and international practices in professional training and employment of young people;
  • organizing explanatory work to inform students and graduates about normative legal acts on state regulation of employment and labor relations;
  • cooperating with recruitment agencies for employment of students and graduates;
  • organizing meetings of employers with students and graduates on the possibility of their future employment at these particular enterprises, institutions, and organizations; events to promote employment of students and graduates (Career Days, workshops, research and practice conferences, job fairs, roundtables, etc.);
  • providing consultations to students and graduates on writing a resume and posting it on the University website;
  • monitoring graduates’ employment and tracking their career growth;
    planning and coordinating the Schools’ activity on employment of students willing to work in extracurricular time;
  • finding employment for student and youth labor unions and contributing to their effective work;
  • concluding agreements on internships, maintaining relations with employers on internships for students and vacancies for students and graduates;
  • coordinating the Schools’ work on organizing internships, effective use of places of internships;
  • monitoring software and methodological support for all types of practical training;
  • documenting, monitoring, and analyzing all types of practical training, conducting instructive meetings with heads of internships, concluding agreements on using enterprises and institutions as places of internships.
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