Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova – PeaceEdu


KKNU structure involved: Education and Research Institute ˮKarazin Business Schoolˮ
Project manager: Yulia Kvitka, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business Administration, Karazin Business School
Project Web page: under development
Erasmus+ Action type: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project reference: 101128854
Duration: 2024–2026
Coordinator: Tampere University, Finland
Budget: 752 245.00


The general objective of the PeaceEdu project is to foster sustainable practices of Peace in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova through strengthening the capacity and capability of higher educational institutions in these countries to invest in the development of multi- disciplinary peace education and peace studies. This will be achieved not only by supporting the relevant curriculum design and delivery of pilot courses but also by generating across-regional network of learning as well as enhancing dialogue with best practices from other European countries. Through enhancing the capacity of the beneficiary HEIs, the project addresses peace and security challenges in the EaP Countries (UA, GE, MD). 

The focus of this project is to develop tools to mitigate challenges that put Peace under threat in the respective communities through (a) development, integration, and implementation of Peace Education and Peace Studies in Curricula, (b) training of educators/teachers to launch reciprocal development of human resources and contribute to continuous professional development, (c) advancement of the training tools to have a long-term impact on the education system, (d) raising awareness of the public of the importance of peace and peacebuilding, and (e) building resilience in the communities and dissemination of the project results to wider public, with the focus on the young people. On the other hand, the proposed project intends to develop urgent tools to mitigate the current massive challenges for Peace to prevent conflict through non-violent means, thus strengthening citizenship competencies in young people, strengthening a cross-regional network for experience sharing, knowledge exchange, and offering long-term solutions for peace and security in the target counties. The achievement of the project objectives relies significantly on mutual sharing of the experiences and expertise among partner countries and with partner countries and the participating EU institution.


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