Students’ Personalized Learning Model, Based on the Virtual Learning Environment of Intellectual Tutoring ˮLearning with No Limitsˮ — SMART-PL


KKNU structure involved: School of Sociology
Project manager: Iryna Soldatenko
Project Web page: under development
Erasmus+ Action type: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project reference: № 101082928 — SMART-PL
Duration: 2022–2025
Coordinator: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Estonia
Budget: 678 270,00 €


SMART-PL is a 3-year project, focused on introducing a model of personalised learning, based on the virtual learning environment of Intellectual Tutoring ˮLearning with No Limitsˮ. Intellectual tutoring is a set of learning tools: SMART online platform for virtual personalised learning and formative student assessment; сo-working centre with equipment for organising hybrid learning, which increases the educational process’s efficiency and gives both teachers and students more opportunities. ˮLearning with No Limitsˮ means that all students are welcomed — regardless of age, personality, socioeconomic status, or educational needs, regardless of the opportunity to be present in the audience or not.

The project is divided into 7 WPs which are linked to promoting the cooperation of partners to implement the European experience of personalised learning; improving educational programs of universities; increasing transparency and comprehensibility of education and assessment for students (including the results of non-formal education), reducing students’ anxiety as for their professional expertise and forming their confidence to achieve efficient results; to improve the quality of teaching materials; to facilitate students’ mobility, including in virtual mode, on a university/country scale, inter-university/country levels); to create extra opportunities to get higher education for people with disabilities and specific academic needs through inclusive education and the implemented model of personalised learning and hybrid technologies. The fundamental principle of the project is a personalised approach aimed at forming a highly qualified competitive specialist who can conduct innovative activities and has the skills of continuous professional development. The personalised approach is characterised by innovative teaching methods, designed to encourage collaboration between students and teachers, emphasising the central role of students in controlling their learning.


Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Estonia — coordinator
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Kryvorizkyj Nationalnyj Universytet, Ukraine
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Khmelnitsky National University, Ukraine
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine
Institute of Higher Education of The National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Kherson State University, Ukraine
National Agency For Higher Education Quality Assurance, Ukraine

Associated partners:

Public Organization ˮUkrainian Scientific and Educational IT Societyˮ
Kryvyi Rih Foundation of The Future

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