Academic Response to Hybrid Threats – WARN


KKNU structure involved: Educational And Scientific Institute ˮInstitute of Public Administrationˮ
Project manager: Dmytro Karamyshev
Project Web page:
Erasmus+ Action type: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project reference: 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Duration: 15 November 2019 – 14 November 2023
Coordinator: University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Budget: 721 065,00 €


The new hybrid threats challenge the world, and Ukraine in particular, on every level: new threats result to unknown and dangerous vulnerabilities of the societies- currently societies lack sufficient knowledge and skills to cope with new threats- present academic curricula do not even remotely prepare to complex hybrid threats. Ukrainian state officials, regional administrations and ministries dealing with reality of hybrid war, are lacking the knowledge and skills to recognize, classify and counter hybrid threats with required efficiency. The analysis of Ukrainian curricula in fields of business and administration, information and communication technologies, social and behavioural science, arts, education, journalism and information showed that current curricula tend to be discipline based and do not address hybrid challenges adequately. The project aims to renew the above listed curricula by introducing unique content that builds awareness of hybrid threats and innovative gamified teaching methods that provide skills and competences to tackle complex threats proactively. The upgraded contents, based on newest EU partner curricula, together with new gamified teaching methods based on AI-inspired adversarial learning, will be used both in MSc degree education and in LLL to train ˮpositive change agentsˮ in diverse professional fields. The change agents will learn to adapt proactively to new complex, hybrid challenges, and to disseminate their knowledge to the society. International community of educators and alumnae (WARN network) will be created to guarantee the sustainable development of the educational content, teaching methods and dissemination after the project. The project will link to diverse stakeholders (ministries, state officials, local authorities, companies) for developing the content and to create real life scenarios as teaching materials for both degree education and LLL intensive courses, and for training them to counter hybrid threats.


University of Jyväskylä, Finland — coordinator
Graduate School of Electrical Engineering (EPAM-EPMI), France
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Tartu Ulikool, Estonia
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronica, Ukraine
Higher Educational Establishment Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine
State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine
National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine
National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
State Higher Education Institution ˮDonbas State Pedagogical Universityˮ, Ukraine
Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Ukraine
Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine

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