The university celebrates the 218th anniversary of its founding

17 november 2022 year

On November 17, 1804, Kharkiv National University was founded with the assistance of the outstanding educator Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin.

218 years ago, the history of one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe began, which today belongs to the largest scientific centers of Ukraine. The founding of Karazin University gave a powerful impetus to the Ukrainian national revival and played a major role in the establishment of Kharkiv as a scientific and cultural center, the educational capital of Ukraine.

Karazin University can rightfully be called one of the best institutions of higher education in Ukraine, which is confirmed by the following facts:

  • according to the results of the authoritative world ranking of higher education institutions QS World University Rankings 2023, Karazin University maintains its primacy among Ukrainian higher education institutions and occupies position 541-550 on a global scale;
  • it is the only university in Ukraine where three Nobel laureates studied and worked: biologist Ilya Mechnikov, economist Semyon Kuznets, physicist Lev Landau;
  • graduates and employees of the university are world-renowned scientists, scientists, educators, including Oleksandr Potebnia, Mykola Kostomarov, Dmytro Bagaliy, Mykola Beketov, Oles Gonchar, Mykola Barabashov and many others;
  • more than 65 university graduates became full members and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • university students participate in international student exchange programs for studies in EU countries, double degree programs with leading EU universities in France, Poland, Italy, Germany, etc.

After the start of the full-scale invasion, Karazin University continues to work. The entire university community united its efforts to preserve the quality educational process, support each other and bring our victory closer.

Thanks to the professional work of our military, Kharkiv survived. And Karazin University is the heart of the city, which continued to beat even in the most difficult times. This became possible thanks to the university family: students, teachers, workers, scientists who organized humanitarian aid, held cultural events, the admission campaign, continued to teach, study and work under shelling, sitting in bomb shelters or even being under temporary occupation.

Karazin community is unbreakable. Congratulations on the 218th anniversary! The university continues to provide quality Ukrainian education and cultural development. We have proven that no one will be able to interrupt our more than two hundred years of history, destroy Ukrainian values, science, education and culture.

We thank the students, teachers and employees of the university for the fact that together we continue to write the pages of our glorious history, preserve and increase the importance of the university for the city and the whole country. We wish you health, well-being, strength for new remarkable achievements and the fulfillment of everyone's greatest desire - the victory of Ukraine!

Text: Margarita Moroz
Photo: Mykhailo Protsenko
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