Student Research Society

The Student Research Society is one of the bodies of Karazin University public self-government. The Society operates on the principles of freedom of scientific creativity, voluntariness, collegiality, openness, equality of rights of people studying or working in scientific and pedagogical positions, and other general legal principles that do not contradict the current legislation.
The history of student research clubs and societies of the University dates back to the 1920s. During the next 100 years, student research work has changed its forms, but never stopped. The University Student Research Society as a single coordination center of research clubs and societies of undergraduate and postgraduate students was established in 1936. It was one of the first organizations of this kind. The first head of the SRS was B. M. Krasovytskyi, who later became the Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2004, the University Student Research Society was restructured in accordance with the requirements of a modern classical university.
In November 2016, at the Conference of Postgraduate and Doctoral Students of the University, a suggestion was made to establish a self-government body of postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists. And in December 2016, the Conference of the University Employees approved the Regulations on the Research Society of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, defining the structure, organization of the student core group of the University, as well as the structure and organization of the core group of the University postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists and their activity.
At the University level, the Research Society is currently divided into two structural units: the Student Research Society, which coordinates scientific and technical work of undergraduate students, and the Council of Young Scientists, which coordinates scientific and technical work of postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists.
The main activities of the Research Society are:
- to facilitate information exchange between young scientists and researchers. To provide information to the University undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists for successful implementation of research activity;
- to popularize research activity among student youth, to help engage students in research work and innovation activity;
- to help improve the quality of scientific research;
- to encourage people who study and/or work at the University and show high results in scientific research, to implement scientific developments, popularize science and research activity, etc;
- to represent the interests of the University undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists before the University administration, as well as in relations with state and local self-government bodies, business and non-business associations, including those of foreign countries;
- to promote development and international cooperation with foreign and Ukrainian institutions of higher education.
The Student Research Society is always open to new ideas. We look forward to fruitful cooperation!