The Meeting of the Supervisory Board within the LIA/IRP IDEATE Project

26 september 2023 year

On September 19th, a meeting of the Supervisory Board was held as part of the LIA/IRP IDEATE project, which brings together the work of French and Ukrainian scientists, including representatives of the academic community from both countries. At the meeting of the project's steering committee, Karazin University was represented by a working group led by the Acting Director of the Research Institute of Physics and Technology, Pylyp Kuznetsov.

During the meeting, they discussed the examples of joint developments by French and Ukrainian partners, exceptional effectiveness of the project's implementation, despite the strong impact of Covid-19 and russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Pylyp Kuznetsov emphasized that Karazin University suffered greatly as a result of russia's invasion and called on partners to provide Ukrainian higher education institutions with the necessary equipment.

During the meeting, discussions were held on joint developments by French and Ukrainian partners and the possibility of continuing the work of the Associated International Laboratory (LIA) within the International Research Project (IRP) "Instrumental Developments for Experiments on Particle Accelerators and Accelerator Technologies" (IDEATE).

Background Information: The LIA/IRP IDEATE project was initiated in 2015 at the University of Paris-Saclay (France). It is related to research and optimization of innovative technologies for experiments on particle accelerators and the development of accelerator methods. The LIA IDEATE laboratory contributes to expanding the cooperation of Ukrainian scientists with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

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