Exhibition of literature and periodicals on occupational safety and health
The Central Scientific Library of Karazin University has opened an exhibition featuring literature and periodicals on occupational safety and health.
Among the exhibits there are 13 issues of the scientific and production journal Labor Protection, various manuals on labor protection in various fields of activity (in medical institutions, in educational processes) and other scientific textbooks. The collection of regulatory documents "Legislation of Ukraine on Labor Protection" is also available.
Anyone interested in this topic can visit the library in room 7-46 (main building) and familiarize themselves with the available literature.
In addition, within the framework of the exhibition, the library staff created a presentation of digital resources presented in the eKhNUIR electronic archive and full-text databases Research4Life, JSTOR, Academic Search Premier and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global in Ukrainian and English, which are available both in the library and remotely.
To access the database, feel free to send a request to woa.cnb@karazin.ua!