Annual Conference of Graduate and PhD Students of the University
On November 15, 2022, the annual conference of graduate students and doctoral students of the university was held with the support of the Council of Young Scientists. 47 delegates from post-graduate and doctoral students of the university took part in the conference.
The participants of the conference were greeted by Oleksandr Golovko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, and Nataliya Petrenko, Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies, Doctoral Studies and PhD Program Support. The event was moderated by the head of the Council of Young Scientists, Kateryna Kravchenko.
Within the limits of the conference, the delegates approved the report on the activities of the Council of Young Scientists, discussed the challenges and opportunities of modern times for postgraduates and doctoral students of Karazinsky. It was also decided to start the work of a permanent scientific and methodical seminar for graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the university. Within its limits, it is planned to consider the following important issues for young scientists: preparation for accreditation, features of access and use of scientometric databases, formation of soft skills, academic integrity, grant activity, preparation of publications, submission of articles to publications that are indexed in scientometric databases, issues of academic mobility .
The election of a delegate from post-graduate and doctoral students to the Academic Council of the University was held. Liliya Manchenko, a graduate student of the Faculty of Physics, was elected by the majority of votes. Also, 11 representatives from post-graduate and doctoral students were elected to the composition of the conference of the university's labor team.
At the conference, the updated information telegram channel @phdkarazin was presented, where graduate students and doctoral students of the university will be able to receive up-to-date information on grants, projects, opportunities for academic mobility, as well as news from the trade union organization of students, graduate students and doctoral students and the Council of Young Scientists.
Also at the conference, the start of a survey of postgraduate students from the Council of Young Scientists and the primary trade union organization of students, postgraduates and doctoral students of the university was announced. The purpose of the survey is to improve the educational and scientific programs that train applicants for the third level of higher education.
We invite graduate students and doctoral students who were unable to participate in the event to join the Telegram channel and complete the survey, which will last until December 6, 2022, using the following links: