We Remind you of the Importance of Vaccination

During times of war, due to the lack of access to clean water, basic hygiene conditions, and medical care, as well as a large number of people in shelters and temporary shelters, there is a high risk of the spread of infectious diseases.
Therefore, it is crucial to protect yourself and your children. Vaccination according to the National Immunization Schedule, as well as against COVID-19, is guaranteed by the state. Children and adults can receive vaccinations for free at any state or private medical facility that has a contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine and has the necessary vaccines.
You can familiarize yourself with the National Immunization Schedule, and learn more about recommended vaccinations, vaccinations outside the schedule, and vaccination in specific cases at the following link.
Remember that vaccination cannot weaken the immune system.
Being infected with certain viruses can weaken the body's resistance. Vaccines work differently. Vaccine viruses are so weakened that they cannot affect the immune system. So, vaccination cannot overload the immune system.
Every vaccination is important!