The International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

4 april 2023 year

Today is the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action.

This day is intended to raise awareness of the threat posed by explosive devices to human health and life.

Unfortunately, for Ukrainians, this day will become another painful reminder of the crimes committed by the Russian invaders. Thousands of ammunition remained unexploded after the enemy shelling. When the enemy withdraws, they chaotically mine everything possible and try to inflict maximum damage to our country.

Despite numerous information campaigns on mine danger, reports of new casualties continue to come in. This is a painful reminder that such events are extremely important and necessary.

Today, there is an urgent need to disseminate information on mine risk in society and remind people that adhering to simple rules can be life-saving.

On the occasion of the International Mine Awareness Day, we will host a radio dictation for primary and secondary school children focused on safe behavior with mines and unexploded devices. The text will be read by actor Mykhailo Karpan, who voices Patron Dog in the cartoon of the same name.

At 14:40, Ukrainian Radio will host a conversation with a representative of the State Emergency Service about Ukraine contaminated with mines and explosive devices and the importance of teaching children the rules of safe behavior.

The dictation will start at 15:00.

You can listen to the dictation broadcast:

  • on the FM frequency, on the website or in the mobile application of Ukrainian Radio or in the Diia app;
  • via social media: UNICEF’s YouTube and Facebook pages; the Ministry of Education and Science’s Facebook page; the State Emergency Service’s YouTube and Facebook pages; Ukrainian Radio’s YouTube and Facebook pages; and the Mine Action Center’s Facebook page;
  • at Spilno Tochka spot ( preliminary registration is required).

You will be able to correct the dictation immediately after it is completed on social media and on the official websites of UNICEF, the State Emergency Service and Ukrainian Radio.

Text: Marharyta Moroz
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