Lecture by Cornell University Professor and Founder of eō Business Incubators Charles Whitehead

16 october 2024 year

Karazin University hosted a meeting with the Co-Director of Cornell Tech (New York), Professor of Cornell University (Cornell Tech, Cornell University, New York), and founder of eō Business Incubators, Charles Whitehead, in a hybrid format.

Charles Whitehead is a renowned American expert in financial investment instruments, specializing in creating innovative infrastructure in Ukraine that integrates the country's scientific potential into the international environment, as well as commercializing scientific developments and ideas. He is the founder of eō Business Incubators, a platform that helps startups scale. The program focuses on developing startups with the potential to become global players and attract investment.

During the lecture "Building Academic Startups," Professor Whitehead explained the key principles of the incubation platform, the creation of strong startup teams, the importance of academic startups, and provided examples of their implementation. He also highlighted the opportunities offered by the Ukraine Phoenix Tech Fund, where Charles Whitehead serves as a managing partner.

The Ukraine Phoenix Tech Fund supports various promising Ukrainian tech startups through responsible and effective investments that take into account social, economic, and environmental needs. According to Professor Whitehead, Ukraine has tremendous scientific potential to create innovative infrastructure that will promote commercialization and engage students in scientific projects, which could later evolve into successful startups.

Students and faculty members of the university had their questions answered and exchanged contact information with Professor Whitehead for future collaboration.

For further communication with Professor Whitehead, please contact Vice-Rector Anton Panteleimonov at panteleimonov@karazin.ua.

Professor Whitehead's presentation "Building Academic Startups" is available at the following link.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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