Karazin University Participants are Involved in Projects within the "Technologies" section of the EUROfusion association

On February 5th, another meeting of the scientific committee of the "Technologies" section of the EUROfusion association took place, represented by Professor Igor Hirka from the Institute of Physics and Technology at Karazin University.
The participants heard reports on the progress of six projects currently being implemented within this section.
Among the achievements of the "Reconstruction of 4D and 5D fast-ion phase space distribution functions in tokamaks and stellarators" project, the project leader highlighted the accomplishments of the 4th-year student from the Institute of Physics and Technology, Ivan Kuzmich. These results were included in the presentation at the European Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, as well as in the corresponding article prepared by the project team. Ivan is listed as one of the authors of these scientific works, which is a basis for a strong defense of his Bachelor's degree.