Karazin University Welcomed Representatives of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Representatives of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights visited Karazin University with a monitoring visit regarding the operation of the "Crimea-Donbas-Ukraine" Educational Center.
The meeting was attended by Maksym Tsvelikh, Chief Specialist of the Department for Supporting the Work of Regional Representations of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, along with department staff.
Karazin University was represented by Rector Tetyana Kaganovska, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Oleksandr Holovko, and Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee Hanna Zubenko.
During the visit, the importance of creating all possible conditions to ensure that youth from temporarily occupied territories have equal opportunities for admission and study in Ukrainian higher education institutions was emphasized.