251 Years since the Birth of Vasily Karazin

10 february 2024 year

Today is the 251st anniversary of the birth of the founder of Karazin University, Ukrainian scientist-encyclopedist, enlightener, inventor, and public figure Vasily Nazarovich Karazin.

Vasily Nazarovich was a visionary of his time, not only generating ideas but also implementing them and contributing to the realization of innovations and changes.

His contribution to the establishment of Karazin University, one of the oldest in Ukraine, is invaluable. The university has become a place where the younger generation not only receives education but also undergoes personal development, acquiring important life experience, moral, and worldview values.

Vasily Karazin was a person ahead of his time. The founder of Karazin University put forward and facilitated the implementation of a series of unconventional, innovative ideas for his time, many of which remain relevant to this day. Vasily Karazin's initiatives align with 14 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 as a comprehensive plan for achieving peace and prosperity.

In his works, Vasily Nazarovich emphasized the need for creating accessible and quality education for all segments of society (Goal 4 - Quality Education). He actively advocated for the development of education as an instrument for strengthening society and economic development.

Furthermore, Vasily Karazin contributed to the development of scientific research activities, supporting innovative research and the development of new technologies (Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). He actively worked towards stimulating the rational use of natural resources, contributing to the sustainable development of cities and communities (Goal 11), mitigating the consequences of climate change (Goal 13), and protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems (Goal 15).

Vasily Nazarovich Karazin's initiatives reflect his commitment to progress and harmony, which have become important goals of the modern world. His legacy continues to inspire and motivate us to achievements, responding effectively to the challenges of the present and the future.

Historical materials were consulted by Olga Vovk, Deputy Director of the Center for Ukrainian Studies and Local Lore named after Academician P. T. Tronko.

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