Postgraduate and Doctoral Programs

The Research Roundtable of Young Scientists, Postgraduate and Graduate Students “The Rule of Law — a Fundamental Principle of the Constitutional State”
Postgraduate and doctoral programs are the main forms of training academic and scientific staff. During their studies, postgraduate students master research methods, take candidacy examinations and conduct research in a scientific field of their dissertation.
Postgraduate studies can be full-time and part-time, while doctoral studies are full-time.
Admission Requirements
Applicants for a postgraduate program take entrance exams in their major (within the Specialist’s or Master’s curriculum, which corresponds to their chosen scientific field), in philosophy and one of the foreign languages of their choice (English, German, Spanish, Italian, French) within curricula for higher education institutions of the IV accreditation level, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. The exam in another foreign language is taken by the decision of the Academic Board of a higher education institution, scientific institution if knowing this language is necessary to work on a dissertation.
The applicant will be notified about admission or refusal of admission to postgraduate studies within five days after a decision has been made by the Admissions Committee.
For full-time postgraduate or doctoral students enrolled on state demand, the scholarship is awarded from the date of their enrollment, and for those studying on a contractual basis — in accordance with the contract terms.
In the prescribed manner, postgraduate and doctoral students may be awarded nominal scholarships established in honor of outstanding scientists, workers of culture, education, public figures, founded by the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as by state and non-state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.