Meeting with the National Scouting Organization of Ukraine "Plast"

4 april 2024 year

On April 2, a meeting with the national scouting organization of Ukraine "Plast" took place at Karazin University with the support of the Student Union of Karazin University.

Participants engaged in an ice-breaking game, where each person shared their expectations for the event and interesting facts about themselves. Interestingly, a significant portion of the scouts turned out to be students of Karazin University. We take pride in having conscious and active youth at our university!

Tetyana Kahanovska addressed the students and guests with welcoming remarks. As the rector noted, it is very pleasing to have youth at the university because they bring life to it. No building can exist without people - it is people who bring light and warmth to the building. After all, the light is within each of us.

The scouts introduced their organization and conducted a workshop for the participants on making candles from wax. At the end of the meeting, everyone gathered to sing Ukrainian songs accompanied by a guitar.

The university is confident that this is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of student youth! We are glad that such warm and cozy evenings take place within the walls of Karazin University.

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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