Meeting of the University Academic Council

9 september 2024 year

The new academic year has begun! Karazin University students have high hopes for it and are already starting to work productively. On September 6, the first meeting of the Academic Council of Karazin University for this academic year took place.

The Academic Council made several important decisions regarding the educational process and the organization of the university's structural units. In particular:

  • The number of delegates from university divisions created in 2024 for the Labor Collective Conference was approved;
  • The Goals of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in the field of quality for the 2024/2025 academic year were approved;
  • New certificate educational programs were approved;
  • The decision on admission to doctoral studies was approved;
  • The distribution of the licensed capacity in the new edition was approved, among other things.
Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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