Academic Council of Karazin University

6 march 2024 year

On March 4, 2024, the Academic Council of Karazin University took place.

At the beginning of the meeting, Rector Tetyana Kaganovska presented the award "For Service to Karazin University" to Olga Avksentieva and awarded the title of "Distinguished Professor of the University" to Kostiantyn Nemchenko.

Vilina Peresadko presented the library with an atlas titled "Settlements of Ukraine," authored by Honorary Doctor of the University Leonid Rudenko.

During the meeting, the vice-rectors of Karazin reported on the results of the university's work in 2023.

Oleksandr Holovko reported on scientific, methodological, and accreditation work, quality assurance in education, training of specialists, and cooperation with employers. Among the results of the work in 2023 were the initiation of 15 new educational programs, accreditation of 117 bachelor's, master's, and PhD programs, and 9 meetings of the Scientific and Methodological Council, during which 77 issues were considered.

Anton Panteliimonov reported on the results of scientific work at the university in 2023. He emphasized that one of Karazin's goals this year is to concentrate the work of scientific teams in medical, humanitarian, social, economic, and legal profiles on seeking grant opportunities, including interdisciplinary programs.

Anatolii Babichev reported on the results of achieving the strategic goals and intentions of Karazin University until 2030 in 2023. The report was based on the results of extracurricular, socio-humanitarian, educational activities, university education development, external communication platform development, and expansion of the partnership and business structures at various levels.

Boris Samorodov reported on issues of university personnel policy, international cooperation development, improvement of university ratings, and digital space development in 2023. Specifically, in 2023, 125 undergraduate and master's students and 9 graduate students participated in academic mobility programs.

Vasyl Blyndiuk reported on the financial matters of the university in 2023 and presented the budget of Karazin University for 2024.

The Academic Council also approved a number of decisions, including:

  • Approval of temporary standards of higher education, educational programs, and curricula of the university;
  • Election of Dmytro Shabanov as the head of the Institute of Zoology and Animal Ecology;
  • Conferment of the associate professor title in the Institute of Surgical Diseases to Vasyl Pronin;
  • Changes in the structure of the School of Economy;
  • Changes in the editorial boards of the university's periodicals;
  • Streamlining internal procedures for reviewing doctoral dissertations at the university.

Traditionally, at the end of the meeting, the Academic Council approved several educational, methodological, and scientific publications for printing.

We continue our work!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Viktoria Yakymenko
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