Meeting of the Research and Methodological Council of the University

19 june 2024 year

On June 18, the last meeting of the Research and Methodological Council of the university took place this academic year.

During the meeting, Deputy Rector Oleksandr Holovko presented a summary report on the work of the Research and Methodological Council.

Sergiy Kozlov, Head of the Methodological and Accreditation Office, provided information on the results of accreditation activities for the 2023/2024 academic year.

It was recommended to publish and post online methodological publications of university staff.

Additionally, the approval by the Academic Council of the university was recommended for the interdisciplinary educational and scientific program "Urban Management" at the second (Master's) level of higher education, specializing in 034 "Cultural Studies" and 073 "Management", as well as the approval of the working program of the academic discipline "Physical Education" at the second (Master's) level of higher education.

See you in the new 2024/2025 academic year!

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