Faculty Members of the School of Foreign Languages Completed the "Phonetics for Teaching English Pronunciation" Course from the University of York (United Kingdom)

20 may 2024 year
Education, International activities

Faculty members of the School of Foreign Languages completed an 11-week online course "Phonetics for Teaching English Pronunciation," specially designed by the Department of Language and Linguistic Science at the University of York for Karazin University.

The course aimed to enhance the qualifications of the faculty members in the field of English phonetics and to prepare a new English pronunciation course for first-year students of the School of Foreign Languages.

As part of the "Unity" project, implemented jointly with the University of York, representatives of the Department of Language and Linguistic Science — Sam Hellmuth, James Chantry, and Marina Kantarutti — specifically developed this course. It combined an introduction to English phonetics with an overview of key theories and research in the phonology of English as a second language, as well as practical ideas and principles for teaching English pronunciation in professional English classes. The course also featured a guest lecture by Professor Richard Ogden, author of the renowned monograph "An Introduction to English Phonetics" (2009).

The next step was to invite two faculty members from the Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages to the University of York for advanced training courses. Upon completion of the 5-week course, Karazin University faculty members will receive the Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL).

At the end of the online course, Professor Sam Hellmuth remarked: "It was a pleasure to get to know our colleagues from Ukraine during this practical training course. We were impressed by their thirst for knowledge and the resilience with which they engaged in the course while simultaneously teaching their own programs online. The course they have developed for their students is just the beginning of our future collaboration."

More information about Karazin University's collaboration with the University of York can be found at the following link.

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