All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program "How are you?"

1 may 2023 year

According to sociological studies, more than 90% of Ukrainians have experienced at least one of the symptoms of anxiety disorder, and 57% are at risk of developing mental disorders. Ukrainians do not tend to seek professional help: 31% of citizens do not consider their problems sufficient to do so. This is currently the main barrier to seek psychological help.

The All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program "How are you?", initiated by the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska, is targeted at helping Ukrainians find a source of strength. The source is internal, in oneself, at the level of awareness and recognition of one’s own mental state and at least an approximate assessment of the degree of its crisis. Taking care of mental health should become a habitual responsibility of everyone.

The program website offers contacts, links, tips, products, techniques and methods to help people take care of their mental health and the health of those who are around.

More information about mental health can be found on social media pages: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and Viber.

The ability to adapt, function, and even develop during the war, and the prospects for Ukraine’s post-war recovery, largely depend on the level of emotional solidarity among citizens and the culture of mental health care.

The All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program "How Are You?" will help find strength every day, learn to take care of yourself, and cope with stress, anxiety, anger, etc.

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