World Meteorological Day

23 march 2024 year

March 23 marks World Meteorological Day. It was initiated in 1961 by the World Meteorological Organization, operating under the auspices of the United Nations.

Meteorology has become an essential component of modern life, influencing various aspects from agriculture to transportation, from tourism to energy. Meteorologists not only forecast the weather but also study climate trends, analyze data on global climate change, and develop adaptation strategies.

The moto of World Meteorological Day 2024 is "Advancing Climate Action." With this slogan, the World Meteorological Organization calls on the entire hydro-meteorological community of the planet to be prepared for the negative manifestations of climate change.

One of the pioneers who advocated for the importance of meteorology as a science and applied field was the founder of the university, Vasyl Karazin. In 1810, he was the first in the world to express the idea of ​​the need to create a wide network of meteorological stations for comprehensive weather observations. He wrote, "These observations will be the most important service for meteorology and will enable it to become an accurate science, that is, a science to calculate and predict the weather at a certain place and time."

Vasyl Karazin organized the first meteorological station in Ukraine on his estate in the village of Kruchyk (now Bohodukhiv district of Kharkiv region) and conducted research there for several decades. Today, meteorological issues are studied at the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism of Karazin University.

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