World Water Day

22 march 2025 year

On March 22, we celebrate World Water Day, which aims to raise awareness about the significance and importance of water for sustaining life on Earth. It also highlights how the rational use of water resources contributes to economic growth and social well-being.

Karazin University, as one of Ukraine's leading scientific centers, actively engages with this important issue. Karazin scholars conduct research, develop, and implement ecological solutions aimed at water conservation. Even the university's founder, Vasyl Karazin, emphasized the need to preserve clean and full-flowing rivers, which are closely linked to forest conservation. Today, university scientists monitor the state of aquatic ecosystems, study the impact of climate change on water resources, and develop innovative water purification methods.

This year's World Water Day theme is "Preserving Glaciers." Glaciers are crucial for life — their meltwater is essential for drinking water, agriculture, industry, clean energy production, and healthy ecosystems. Rapidly melting glaciers cause uncertainty in water flows, posing serious consequences for people and the planet.

Water is not only the foundation of life but also a shared responsibility. Let's join efforts to use water resources consciously and protect nature together!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
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