World Environment Day

5 june 2024 year

In a world where every day brings new challenges, we strive to do everything possible to preserve our planet for future generations. This year's World Environment Day holds special significance for Ukraine. A country experiencing the difficult times of war, which not only destroys cities but also inflicts irreparable damage to the environment.

Ukraine is a blessed land, with rich black soils, majestic forests, and clean rivers. The damage to Ukraine's ecological system due to russian military aggression amounts to hundreds of billions of hryvnias. As a result of massive shelling across the entire territory of Ukraine, the air is polluted by emissions caused by forest fires and the burning of fuel at energy infrastructure facilities. Rivers are being polluted, and land that could feed millions is becoming uninhabitable due to landmines.

The environmental challenges facing Ukraine are enormous. Explosions destroy not only buildings but also ecosystems. Soil and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, forest fires — these are just some of the problems we face. But amidst all these difficulties, we must not forget our responsibility to nature.

Each of us can contribute to the restoration of the environment. War cannot destroy our love for our native land and our desire to preserve it for future generations. By planting trees, sorting our household waste, and cleaning up litter in parks or on beaches, we not only preserve nature but also restore hope and faith in a better future.

Let this day be a symbol of our unity and strength. We can overcome all difficulties and revive our land. Each of us has the opportunity to become part of a great cause — the rescue of nature. We believe in ourselves, we believe in Ukraine. And let every step we take be a step towards a cleaner, healthier, and happier world.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
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