World AIDS Day

1 december 2023 year

Every year, on December 1, World AIDS Day is observed globally in accordance with the decision of the World Health Organization since 1988. This day is part of the worldwide campaign "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence."

It is crucial to understand that today, HIV is not a sentence: individuals with the immunodeficiency virus can lead normal lives, work, give birth, and travel provided they take their medications in a timely manner. Nevertheless, society should approach HIV-positive individuals with special support and tolerance so that they do not feel isolated in their battle against the disease.

Ukraine, like many other countries, bears responsibility for its contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS. During times of conflict, risks increase, making it important for each of us to recognize the necessity of HIV and viral hepatitis testing.

In Ukraine, this testing can be conducted in medical institutions as well as specialized centers and organizations actively engaged in the fight against AIDS and other diseases. In Kharkiv, for example, qualified medical assistance and consultations on HIV infection/AIDS are provided at the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, located at 6 Boryby St., Kharkiv (tel. 392-09-08, 392-29-83).

Remember that early detection can help initiate timely treatment and preserve your health!

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