Visit of American Historian, Honorary Doctor of Karazin University Timothy Snyder to Kharkiv

10 september 2024 year

In Kharkiv, a city of science and culture that has felt the brutal impact of Russian aggression during the war, an extremely significant event took place. The city was visited by world-renowned historian and writer, Honorary Doctor of Karazin University, ambassador of the United24 fundraising platform, Professor Timothy Snyder.

For Ukrainians, Timothy Snyder is not just a historian, but a powerful voice of truth on the international stage. His numerous works help the world better understand the real causes and consequences of this war. He tirelessly speaks about the importance of supporting Ukraine and the resilience of its people, who are fighting not only for their own freedom but also for the democratic values of the entire world.

With the support of the Kharkiv Literary Museum, Kharkiv Media Hub, and Ukrainian PEN, Timothy Snyder met with Kharkiv residents during his visit, including representatives from Karazin University. An open dialogue took place about Ukraine's future, the challenges of the present, and the role of history in understanding current events. The concept of Timothy Snyder's book "On Freedom," which will soon be officially presented, was also discussed.

"In my understanding of freedom, values are real things — national pride, solidarity, loyalty... And in life, there are sometimes conflicting moments when you have to choose between these things. This is the irony: freedom is not about the ability to do anything, because then anyone could make you do anything. An unfree person can always run away... While a free person sometimes has only one right choice, because all other options do not align with their worldview. This is where we understand that freedom is also a matter of character."

The atmosphere of the meeting was filled not only with academic curiosity but also with deep gratitude. Kharkiv, which has endured heavy blows from the war, has become a symbol of resilience for many, and Mr. Snyder's visit highlighted the importance of international solidarity with Ukraine in these challenging times.

The Karazin community expresses its deep gratitude for the powerful support! For us, this visit is not only a show of solidarity but also a belief in Ukraine's future, where truth will prevail.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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