Congratulations to the Winners of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 2024 Competition!

16 august 2024 year
Education, Science

We are proud to announce that Karazin University has secured five new projects under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program!

  • The EAUCES project ("Eastern Ukrainian Center for European Studies"), led by Dmytro Mykolenko (School of History), aims to develop European studies in Eastern Ukraine. The project focuses on introducing new courses covering topics such as European integration, information and cyber security, countering information wars, and the economy in wartime conditions.
  • The EU-PartDemo project ("Participatory Democracy and Multilevel Governance in the EU"), led by Mark Voronov (School of Law), will explore and disseminate knowledge about democracy and governance in the EU to strengthen cooperation and integration within the European Union. This is the third grant to be implemented by the School of Law since 2019.
  • The GlobalSPaCE project ("Global Sustainable Production and Circular Economy"), led by Hanna Doroshenko (School of Economics), aims to implement European experience in sustainable production and circular economy for the development of Ukraine, focusing on adaptability and ethics in addressing environmental and economic challenges.
  • The ELEVATE-U project ("Empowering Ukraine through European Digital Achievements and Transformation"), also led by Hanna Doroshenko (School of Economics), will enhance the digital readiness and resilience of Ukraine’s future professionals by leveraging the EU's experience in digital transformation.
  • The SUEW2I project ("Story of the United Europe: From War to Integration"), presented by the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism, Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, aims to develop innovative teaching, strengthen interdisciplinary research, and organize discussion events on the history of a united Europe. The project seeks to engage a broader audience, including students and staff of the academy, in research in this field and actively contribute to the development of the EU’s economy and society.
  • We sincerely thank our colleagues for their tireless work, high professionalism, and dedication! Each of you makes a significant contribution to the development of our university and its integration into the European space. We wish you successful project implementation, new professional achievements, and further victories! May your projects inspire others, bring new knowledge, and open up new horizons. Together, we can change the world for the better by realizing the boldest ideas and reaching new heights!

Together with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine & HERE team.

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