The Opening of the Exhibition "The Perception of Safety" took place at the Yermilov Center

30 august 2024 year

On August 29th, the residents of Kharkiv visited the main building of Karazin University for the opening of the exhibition "The Perception of Safety" as part of an international art project of the same name.

Tatyana Kaganovska, the Rector of Karazin University, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the university community: "When any event takes place within the walls of the university, it is happiness for us. It means that life continues despite the war... Even before the opening of this exhibition, the Yermilov Center became a place of safety for many Kharkiv residents in the early days of the full-scale war... It is very important for us to be heard, supported, and understood. We no longer seek answers to the questions of why us, why on our land. Our mission is to convey to the world that the understanding of safety is so fragile, yet so important. I am very grateful to all the participants in this project."

"Art as a refuge" is a recurring theme of the project, as the key location, the Yermilov Center, became a real shelter during the full-scale invasion, and the reflection on the feeling of safety as an emotional shelter is the central theme of the exhibition.

According to the authors of the project's concept — the International Coalition of Cultural Workers in Solidarity with Ukraine, the Yermilov Center, and curator Marina Koneva — any location within the project can be seen as a place of safety, not only as an individual feeling but also as a safe space and care infrastructure supported by the efforts of people, communities, and institutions.

During the exhibition, funds will be raised to the amount of 15,000 euros to create a barrier-free infrastructure at the Yermilov Center. The funds will be used to purchase two universal stair lifts with a crawler track, build ramps and vertical lifts, and renovate the restrooms. Donations can be made via the provided link.

The exhibition will run until November 17th, from Tuesday to Sunday, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM, the entrance is free.

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Viktoria Yakymenko
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