Solemn Wreath-Laying Ceremony on the occasion of Defender of Ukraine Day

2 october 2023 year

At Karazin University, on the occasion of Defender of Ukraine Day, a solemn wreath-laying ceremony took place at the memorial plaque dedicated to the university's employees, graduates, and students who lost their lives while defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their homeland, displaying bravery and heroism in the battles for independence. 

The ceremony was attended by the university administration, led by Rector Tetiana Kaganovska, as well as the staff and students of Karazin University. 

A moment of silence was observed to honor the memory of those from Karazin University who perished during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"Yesterday, we celebrated Defender of Ukraine Day. So many intelligent, talented, and outstanding young men and women have already given their lives for our right to wake up in the morning. Our deepest respect goes out to our defenders. Heroes do not die; they remain forever in our hearts.


We must always remember at what cost we secure our freedom and independence. We know that history can sometimes be forgotten, so our primary task is to do everything possible to ensure that our heroes are not forgotten so that all future generations will always remember their courageous deeds. To those who defend our land today, we wish strength, endurance, and guardian angels, so that they return home alive and healthy," addressed Tetiana Kaganovska to those present.

Glory to Ukraine's defenders! The memory of the heroes will forever reside in our hearts!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Valeriya Bogyna
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