Studio for Creating Open Online Courses within the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH Project at the Institute of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogy (UIPA) was Open

2 september 2024 year

On August 30, the Institute of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogy at Karazin University opened its Studio for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The studio was designed and equipped with specialized digital technology for creating open online courses as part of the Erasmus+ project “CRED4TEACH: Micro-Credentials Based on MOOCs for the Professional Development of Teachers”

(Project No. 101082858). In the presence of members of the Academic Council, the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project team, and students, the studio was inaugurated by the Director of the Institute of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogy, Denis Kovalenko. He called on the broader academic community and professional education representatives to actively collaborate and utilize the studio for creating modern educational content for higher and professional education in Ukraine.

Project coordinator at the Institute, Oleksandr Kuprianov, presented the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project to the Academic Council members and reported on the results of the first year of its implementation.

The main purposes of the MOOC Studio at the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies of the Institute are:

  • Development and creation of educational materials for online courses (video lessons, text materials, graphics, interactive elements, and tasks);
  • Implementation of new educational methods and technologies, such as adaptive learning, gamification, or the use of artificial intelligence for personalizing the learning process;
  • Creation of courses for professional development that help teachers and learners of various levels enhance their qualifications or acquire new skills for career growth;
  • Promotion of the created courses, ensuring their visibility and accessibility to the target audience;
  • Providing technical support for users, organizing feedback, and continuously optimizing courses to improve the quality of education;
  • Building a community of students and instructors where users can exchange experiences, questions, and ideas.

We wish success to all project participants and look forward to innovative educational products in the new academic year for quality distance learning and effective interaction with learners.

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