Karazin University Hosted a Webinar "Features of Interaction Between Teachers and Students in the Digital Age: How to Maintain Interest and Inspiration"

6 june 2024 year

A top speaker, engaged and ambitious listeners, a friendly atmosphere, and a fruitful discussion—this was the webinar "Features of Interaction Between Teachers and Students in the Digital Age: How to Maintain Interest and Inspiration"!

Arthur Proidakov, a Ukrainian language and literature teacher, winner of the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine 2021, and one of the top 10 teachers in the world according to the Global Teacher Prize 2023, spoke with Karazin University students and faculty about the most effective methods of interacting with students in a distance learning environment.

Among the key modern requirements for teaching, he highlighted the change in the perception of the teacher's personality, updated activity contexts, the importance of self-education and self-improvement, building a teacher's brand, the practical component of education, and more. Mr. Arthur emphasized that strength lies in community, in jointly implementing various projects, and in achieving set goals together.

At the end of the meeting, participants actively asked questions and engaged in discussions with the speaker.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Viktoria Kryzhanivska
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