The Exhibition "Communism = Rashism" was Opened

27 august 2024 year

On August 26, the exhibition "Communism = Rashism" was opened. This exhibition marked the final event of the "Independence Week" project.

At the exhibition, participants saw 13 stories of Ukrainians from the 20th and 21st centuries who suffered under Soviet and russian rule. These stories were chosen specifically to draw parallels between the crimes of communism and rashism. The eight exhibition stands display archival documents about repressed Ukrainians in the 20th century, as well as evidence of the contemporary crimes of the russian army.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Vice-Rector of the University, Oleksandr Holovko, Acting Director of the Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Svitlana Starovoit, and Head of the Northeastern Interregional Department of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Mariia Takhtaulova.

Vice-Rector Oleksandr Holovko stated: "It is very important that Karazin University regularly organizes events related to national memory, as the history of Ukraine shapes our cultural identity code, which allows us to look to the future and foster a society for tomorrow — resilient, courageous, kind, successful, and happy."

During the visit, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between Karazin University and the Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. The agreement includes cooperation in the fields of scientific research, education, organization, information, expertise, publishing, and other socially significant activities for the development of Ukrainian society.

Additionally, prior to the exhibition, flowers were laid at the memorial to fallen Karazin students.

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko
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