Karazin University welcomed Metropolitan Borys (Gudziak)

9 september 2024 year

On September 8, Karazin University welcomed Metropolitan Borys (Gudziak) of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, head of the Philadelphia Archeparchy in the USA, public figure, leading scholar in the field of church history, and president of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

During his visit, Metropolitan Borys met with the administration, students, and faculty. In the conversation, he shared his vision of vocation, his personal story of finding purpose, and the values our nation should rely on. Students asked questions about current events in Ukraine, while the faculty inquired about reflections on eternity, hope, and historical events and figures.

Metropolitan Borys also shared his impressions from his visit to Kharkiv: "As I see how many people have stayed in Kharkiv, how many have returned... there is a clear understanding that being here is crucial. The fate of democracy and international law is being decided here. It is being determined by the stance of a million people. These are my feelings after seeing the city and meeting you."

The meeting was incredibly warm and heartfelt. We deeply value having friends like Metropolitan Borys and the Ukrainian Catholic University community. We are always glad to welcome you to Karazin University!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Yulia Haydenko Myhailo Protsenko
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