An online meeting was held in Karazin University regarding priority tasks of teacher education and prospects for its development

8 march 2023 year

The modern world is changing extremely quickly, and this places a demand on society to raise a generation of highly educated and competent people. In this process, high school and education play a key role in the successful future of our country.

On March 7, 2023, an online meeting with the guarantors of educational programs in the specialty "Secondary Education" was held in Karazin University.

During the event, leading scientists of the Faculty of Psychology, in particular, the Department of Pedagogy, took part in discussing the priority tasks of pedagogical education at the state level and the prospects for its development at the university.

Oleksandr Golovko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, explained to the participants of the meeting the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the development and support of pedagogical education.

Secondary education is the foundation on which to build a further professional career and continue personal development, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to feel confident in the modern world.

During the meeting, ways to overcome obstacles in the implementation of educational programs in the pedagogical direction were outlined, in particular, regarding the acquisition of professional teacher competencies established by the professional standard, issues of improving career guidance measures, the attractiveness of the profession, and the admission of applicants to subject specialties were discussed.

Teacher education and high school influence a country's level of economic development because they create the basis for innovation and technological progress. Smart and competent young people ensure a country's ability to compete in the global market.

Education is the key to understanding and tolerance, contributes to the development of cultural and social life. It forms civic consciousness and responsibility, which are very important qualities for the development of modern society.

The held meeting was another step on the way to the development of pedagogical education in Karazin University, in Ukraine, to the provision of quality educational services for future generations.

Text: Margarita Moroz
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