At Karazin University, the Event "The Magic of Books - the Magic of Science, or One Day with Albert Einstein" took place

20 may 2024 year

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University continues to actively engage school students in science!

On May 18th, an event dedicated to Science Day titled "The Magic of Books - The Magic of Science, or One Day with Albert Einstein" took place, with over 50 students from Kharkiv schools participating.

The participants learned about scientific achievements that have significantly impacted the world and discussed a range of topics, including:

  • Why Kharkiv is considered the city of physicists;
  • Understanding nature and opening doors to new technologies;
  • A new approach to training modern physicists;
  • Kharkiv and extraterrestrial civilizations;
  • The possibility of time and space travel: the perspective of a physicist and a philosopher.

These topics were covered by representatives from Karazin University, including Volodymyr Poida and Oleh Lazarenko (School of Physics), Mykola Dubinin (School of Radio Physics, Biomedical Electronics, and Computer Systems), Vadym Kaidash (Research Institute of Astronomy), Ivan Karpenko (School of Philosophy), and Pylyp Kuznetsov (Education and Research Institute of "Physics and Technology").

The students not only met the city's most renowned scientists and researchers but also visited exhibitions at the central scientific library and took a tour of the astronomy museum. The tours were conducted by Natalia Prots (Central Scientific Library), Lidiya Opanasenko, and Dmytro Stankevich (Research Institute of Astronomy).

At the end of the event, the students enjoyed an exciting quiz prepared by Karazin University members, along with prizes from the university's primary trade union organization, presented by Anatoliy Holtvyanskyi.

Discover more about the fascinating world of science and discoveries at Karazin University!

Text: Margaryta Moroz
Photo: Viktoria Yakymenko
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