Summer Special Courses for Educators and Education Administration Representatives Have Begun at Karazin University

17 june 2024 year

On June 14, 2024, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University commenced various summer special courses for educators, teachers, and lecturers of different subjects, as well as directors of preschool, primary, basic, and secondary education institutions, special schools, and colleges owned by Kharkiv Regional Community from Kyivskyi, Nemyshlyanskyi, Novobavarskyi, and Saltivskyi districts of Kharkiv, Bezliudivka and Biliaivka village councils of the respective rural districts of Kharkiv region, Kupiansk, and Myrhorod in Poltava region.

The implementation of summer special courses of various themes for educators was initiated by the Center for Postgraduate Education in 2029 and has not ceased even under martial law.

This year, participants have chosen a number of relevant summer special courses, including "Optimization of Online Learning in Preschool Education Institutions," "Establishing Online Communications for Directors of Preschool Education Institutions," "Activity-Based Approach to Teaching Geography in the 7th Grade According to the Program Requirements of the 'New Ukrainian School' Concept," "Mathematics as a Means of Developing Logical Thinking Skills and Intellectual Abilities of Students," "Features of Teaching 7th, 6th, and 5th Grade Students the Subject 'Ukrainian Language' According to the Model Programs of the 'New Ukrainian School,'" "Modern English Language and the Specifics of Its Teaching Methodology from the First to the Eleventh Grades," "Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Educational and Upbringing Processes According to the 'New Ukrainian School' Concept," "Distance Education Technologies in Teaching Physics. Platform for Creating Distance Courses 'MOODLE'," "Basics of Pre-Medical Assistance for Students and Educators," "1st-4th Grades of Primary School. Organization of a Safe Space," "Financial Literacy in 1st-4th Grades of Primary School," "Features of Organizing the Educational Process of Students in Inclusive Classes Under Martial Law," "Educational Environment, Audit, Competencies," and others.

The educational process in the summer special courses, conducted by the Center for Postgraduate Education, is ensured by highly qualified scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical practitioners from the departments of the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, School of Mathematics and Informatics, School of Physics, School of Medicine, Education and Research Institute 'School of Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence,' Department of Physical Education and Sports, as well as permanent external partners of the university - municipal institutions 'Preschool Educational Institution (nursery-kindergarten) No. 427,' 'Kharkiv Lyceum No. 28,' 'Kharkiv Gymnasium No. 77' of the Kharkiv City Council, 'Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy' of the Kharkiv Regional Council.

At the introductory session, the director of the Center for Postgraduate Education, Mykhailo Tatarynov, welcomed the participants of the special courses, conducted a safety briefing in conditions of martial law, introduced the class schedule, explained the specifics of the educational process in different special courses, engaged the participants in entry assessment, and answered their current relevant questions.

The memory of the defenders and peaceful residents who died since February 24, 2022, was honored.

The summer special courses will continue until June 28, 2024.

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