Karazin University will Implement a Project within the Erasmus+ Program Titled "Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation)/ArtNoConflict"

31 october 2023 year
Education, International activities

The educational and scientific institute "Karazin Business School" has won a project within the framework of Erasmus+ (focus area "Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth") titled "Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation)/ArtNoConflict."

The project partners include the Netherlands Business Academy (Netherlands, coordinator), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, University "KROK," Ukrainian Youth Association, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University, and the non-governmental organization "Youth for the World" (Georgia).

The project aims to provide students and young people who are not enrolled in educational institutions with access to a new level of international intercultural and inclusive education through the implementation of virtual exchanges on the art of negotiation and mediation in EU countries, Georgia, and Ukraine. This is intended to strengthen democracy, cultural diversity, and the objective resolution of issues by acquiring the best European practices.

The project's objectives include:

  • Conducting training for youth workers and university representatives on developing critical thinking skills, negotiation, and mediation.
  • Developing and implementing an online course on the "Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation)."
  • Organizing a series of virtual events for students and youth.
  • Establishing a sustainable intercultural communication network among EU countries, Georgia, and Ukraine.
  • Reducing conflicts in Ukrainian and Georgian societies through the exchange of mediation values.

To achieve these goals, a range of activities is planned, including:

  • Developing educational programs for both students and youth workers.
  • Conducting virtual training, seminars, mediation simulations, negotiation workshops, and a concluding information conference.
  • Organizing virtual visits to partner universities for knowledge exchange, and more.
  • Disseminating the project's values and results.


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