The Training on Psychological Resilience at Karazin University

25 june 2024 year

We live in times when our mental health is constantly under threat. Therefore, it's important to know how to help ourselves in stressful situations and not leave others alone with their problems.

The public organization "Masha Foundation" held a free training on psychological resilience titled "Change Leaders," aimed at psychological stabilization, stress resistance, improving mental well-being, and acquiring skills for effective stress management, burnout prevention, and trauma prevention.

Participants included professors, staff from Karazin University, volunteers, and other professionals from various fields.

Psychologist Karina Tsyhichko from the "Masha Foundation" provided participants with theoretical information on stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and also gave examples of exercises and techniques for self-help. Overall, the training fostered a supportive atmosphere where participants shared their own experiences in dealing with difficult situations and methods for overcoming them.

Text: Yulia Baglyk
Photo: Viktoria Kryzhanivska
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