Students of The Education and Research Institute 'Karazin Banking Institute' Organized a Charity Concert for Displaced Children

13 december 2023 year

On December 9, 2023, an unforgettable charity event took place in the village of Taranivka, Kharkiv region.

Students from the The Education and Research Institute "Karazin Banking Institute" organized a charity concert to bring joy to the young residents of Taranivka, as these children have experienced difficult times and require special attention and support.

The concert program, prepared by the students, included various performances, including musical numbers, dances, and entertaining games.

This not only helped to entertain the children but also created unforgettable impressions, giving them a sense of care and support.

Thanks to donations from students and university schools, it was possible to provide the children with sweet gifts.

This charity concert became not only an opportunity for the organizers to help children but also a reminder to everyone about the importance of volunteering and assisting those in need. They are confident that even such actions can have a significant impact and change people's lives.

Grateful for the opportunity to help the displaced children of Taranivka. We hope that this concert brought them joy and unforgettable memories! Together, we can make the world a better place for everyone.

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