Students of the School of Medicine Participated in an Internship in Medical Microbiology in Germany

As part of the academic mobility program under the memorandum of cooperation with the University of Regensburg, second-year students of the School of Medicine of Karazin University participated in an internship in medical microbiology.
Students enhanced their knowledge of bacterial differentiation methods, independently performed Gram staining and microscopy of specimens, learned the technique of Ziehl-Neelsen staining, conducted microscopic observation of bacteria in real-time, and improved their knowledge of spore and capsule microscopy.
Within the program, the students studied the biochemical properties of bacteria, conducted bacterial testing for antibiotic resistance, and PCR analysis of nasal swabs for MRSA.
During the practical training, they improved their skills in using light and fluorescent microscopy and acquired many other practical skills.
With the support of the Dean of the School of Biology and Preclinical Medicine, Professor Ralph Witzgall, and with the direct involvement of Dr. Robert Reichheld and the Coordinator of the Department of Medical Microbiology, Dr. Benedict Asbach, Karazin students not only deepened their theoretical knowledge of medical microbiology but also practically improved their skills and mastered methods of preparing microbiological preparations and their microscopy.