Students of the School of Mathematics and Informatics — Authors of the Best Student Papers in Mathematics

The International Center for Mathematics in Ukraine (ICMU), whose mission is to support leading research in mathematics with a focus on training young scientists and advancing mathematics, held a competition for its annual Student Research Award.
This year’s competition saw participation from over 20 students from universities across Ukraine.
The selection committee recognized the work of six students, including two from the School of Mathematics and Informatics at Karazin University.
The authors of the best student research papers in mathematical sciences, which resulted in publications, are Yehor Avdeyev (article “Affine Standard Lyndon Words: A-Type,” published in International Mathematical Research Notices in collaboration with Oleksandr Tsymbalyuk) and Ruslan Barkov (article “A Riemann–Hilbert approach to solution of the modified focusing complex short pulse equation,” published in Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics in collaboration with Dmytro Shepelsky).
We congratulate our students on receiving this award and wish them continued success in their studies and new scientific achievements!