Student of the Education and Research Institute "School of Physics and Technology" Fedir Shyrokopetlev Successfully Completed the "Ukrainian Remote Student Program" at CERN: University Congratulates

24 june 2024 year
Education, Science

Congratulations to Fedir Shyrokopetlev, a student of the Education and Research Institute "School of Physics and Technology," on the successful completion of the "Ukrainian Remote Student Program" at CERN.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University received a letter of gratitude from Dr. Felix Reidt, the project leader of the "ALICE Inner Tracking System" (ITS), who noted Fedir's successful contribution to the project. His research focused on the development and modernization of analytical software for the control and monitoring of data quality used in the ITS.

Fedir made a significant contribution to the implementation of the project, successfully completing the tasks assigned to him.

We wish you further success and achievements!

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