New Erasmus+ Project "Implementation of the European Compliance Management Approach in Ukrainian Higher Education" Has Been Launched

The kickoff online meeting for the Erasmus+ CBHE project "Implementation of the European Compliance Management Approach in Ukrainian Higher Education" (EU ComplianceM4UA) took place, aiming to develop compliance management in Ukraine.
Representatives from the project team of the Education and Research Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" participated in the meeting.
The project's goal is to introduce compliance management into Ukrainian universities. The meeting was hosted by Wismar University of Applied Sciences.
In his welcome address, Project Coordinator Professor Ali Arnaut emphasized the importance of clear management practices.
Project Manager Anna Fomenko presented the project plan and highlighted the importance of effective communication.
The 24-month project includes the development of educational modules on compliance management, relevant didactic materials, study visits, online training sessions, quality evaluation, and close collaboration between partners.
The project partners are:
- Infante D. Henrique University (Portugal);
- University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (Czech Republic);
- Higher School of Entrepreneurship and Administration in Lublin (Poland);
- Central Ukrainian National Technical University (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine);
- Izmail State University of Humanities (Izmail, Ukraine);
- Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine);
- Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine);
- Education and Research Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine).
We extend our gratitude to our researchers and wish them productive work!