Results of the I. I. Mechnikov Chemical-Biological Tournament

28 november 2023 year

On November 25, the School of Chemistry of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University organized the XXV Chemical-Biological Tournament named after I. I. Mechnikov (chemical part) for students in grades 8–11 in a remote format.

The tournament involved over 100 students from Kharkiv and other cities in Ukraine:

  • Educational Complex No. 99 "Multidisciplinary Gymnasium" of Dnipro City Council;
  • Kozacholopansky Lyceum of Derhachi City Council;
  • Lyceum No. 4 in Odesa;
  • Lyceum No. 120 of Dnipro City Council;
  • Novopecherska School-Lyceum;
  • Lyceum No. 22 in Chernihiv;
  • Gymnasium No. 63 of Dnipro City Council.

The tournament consisted of two stages: theoretical and practical. Students who scored the highest number of points were awarded honorary certificates.

The list of winners can be viewed here.

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