The Conferral of Academic Titles to Karazin University Members

28 december 2023 year

Kharkiv University continues to work productively, multiplying its achievements in the fields of education and science.

University Rector Tetyana Kaganovska congratulated the staff of Karazin University on the conferment of academic titles. In particular, the professorial title has been awarded to:

  • Professor Valeriia Trusova of the Institute of Medical Physics and Biomedical Nanotechnologies,
  • Professor Denis Oklei of the Institute of Surgical Diseases,
  • Professor Larisa Tiesheva of the Institute of Economics and Management,
  • Professor Zhanna Sotnykova-Meleshkina of the Institute of Hygiene and Social Medicine.

The academic title of Associate Professor has been attained by:

  • Associate Professor Andrii Shchogolev of the Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants and Microorganisms,
  • Associate Professor Tetyana Miroshnychenko of the Institute of International Economic Relations named after Artur Holikov,
  • Associate Professor Olena Fridman of the Institute of Economics and Management,
  • Associate Professor Anatolii Babichev of the Institute of Management and Administration,
  • Associate Professor Pylyp Kuznetsov of the Institute of Nuclear and High-Energy Physics named after O. I. Akhiezer.

Congratulations to the members of Karazin University! We wish you strength, continued professional success, the realization of all your plans, energy and inspiration to conquer new heights!

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